ECUADOR (Oña County)

Tourism Development Needs Assessment in Oña County for “Twin Town” of Bierbeek, Flanders

LOCATION Oña County, Ecuador

PERIOD 2011 

OBJECTIVE The objective of our involvement in Oña was the implementation of a needs assessment for the tourism development in the region within the framework of  the so-called twinning relationship between the town of San Felipe de Oña in Ecuador and the town of Bierbeek in Flanders

PARTNERS Town of Bierbeek, Flanders

FUNDING Town of Bierbeek, Flanders

DESCRIPTION The project consisted out of four phases:
1. Implementation of the appreciative inquiry in Oña County with all relevant stakeholders in the region, and consultations in Cuenca.
2. Systematic reporting of the research conclusions and advising on the further tourism development proces in Oña to the town of Bierbeek.
3. Implementation of Feedback and Relfection workshops for the relevant stakeholders in Oña concerning the development of a future tourism development strategy

RESULTS An extensive research report was delivered and future strategy workshops were implemented, resulting in several proposals for the organizational and institutional support of a community-based tourism development process: i.e. set-up of a cultural agenda for the region, the coordination of the local patrimony and cultural tourist routes and support to local artisania and gastronomy.
CURRENT SITUATION Project implemented